serving god in the community of beckley, WV, for 131 years

Worship Service Hours:
10:00 a.m. beginning on Mother's Day of each calendar year
10:45 a.m. beginning the Sunday after Labor Day of each calendar year.
The CDC has lifted guidelines for indoor mask wearing for all counties in West Virginia. Consequently, we are making mask wearing optional for our congregation for the time being. Please understand that some will choose to continue wearing masks. Let's dispense with judgment about that.
Live-streamed Sunday worship services will also be continued on the BeckleyDisciples Facebook page indefinitely. If you are not comfortable attending church in-person, the live stream services will continue to be a way to stay connected
At First Christian Church we like to think of ourselves as A church in the heart of Beckley, with a heart for the Gospel. The ministry programs we offer reflect our commitment to being part of our community, particularly the uptown area. Likewise, we provide opportunities for disciples to nurture their faith in a variety of ways. We invite you to join us for worship or one of our fellowship activities, and grow the Gospel seed within your heart.
We are a part of The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination/movement. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) grew out of two movements seeking Christian unity that sprang up almost simultaneously in western Pennsylvania and Kentucky – movements that were backlashes against the rigid denominationalism of the early 1800s. To learn more about us and what we believe, check out the "more" pull down menu on our webpage.
*Worship service at 10:45 a.m.
*Choir rehearsal at 12:15 p.m.